Coming Soon: Series 2, Episode 11 of 12 Crafts of Cardmaking, Stencilling Technique- Typography Design

Coming Soon: Series 2, Episode 11 of 12 Crafts of Cardmaking, Stencilling Technique- Typography Design

Series 2, Episode 11 of 12 Crafts of Cardmaking, the technique of stencilling used as a typography design will be available on Anino TV YouTube soon. This video will feature the demonstration of the Plaid Crafts(Plaid Enterprises) — Layer Medallion stencil. The...
Video Tutorial/ Digital Crafting: Anino TV adheres subtitle to the video tutorial “Lineart/ Stroke & Bevelled Typography Effect For a Book Cover using the Text Tool in Clip Studio Paint Software” on Anino TV YouTube

Video Tutorial/ Digital Crafting: Anino TV adheres subtitle to the video tutorial “Lineart/ Stroke & Bevelled Typography Effect For a Book Cover using the Text Tool in Clip Studio Paint Software” on Anino TV YouTube

Anino TV on YouTube has added the subtitle to the video tutorial “Lineart stroke and bevelled typography effect in Clip Studio Paint“. About the video. In this video, Anino teaches how to create a lineart or stroke and bevelled typography effect for a book cover using...
Video Tutorial/ Digital Crafting: Anino TV augments subtitle to the video tutorial “Typography punch-in & punch-out effect in Clip Studio Paint” on YouTube

Video Tutorial/ Digital Crafting: Anino TV augments subtitle to the video tutorial “Typography punch-in & punch-out effect in Clip Studio Paint” on YouTube

Anino TV on YouTube has added the subtitle to the video tutorial “Typography punch-in and punch-out effect in Clip Studio Paint”. About the video In this video, Anino teaches how to create a punch-in and punch-out typography effect using the text tool in...
Video Tutorial: Anino TV fulfills its promise of adding a subtitle to the video tutorial “3-Coloured Text Watercolour Floral Topper Greeting Card in Clip Studio Paint” on YouTube

Video Tutorial: Anino TV fulfills its promise of adding a subtitle to the video tutorial “3-Coloured Text Watercolour Floral Topper Greeting Card in Clip Studio Paint” on YouTube

The subtitle to the video tutorial-  “3-Coloured Text Watercolour Floral Topper Greeting Card in Clip Studio Paint” is now available on Anino TV About the video. In this video, Anino teaches how to create a paint a quick watercolour floral greeting card...
Video Tutorial/ Digital Crafting: Anino TV adheres subtitle to the video tutorial “Lineart/ Stroke & Bevelled Typography Effect For a Book Cover using the Text Tool in Clip Studio Paint Software” on Anino TV YouTube

Video Tutorial / Digital Craft: Lineart/ Stroke & Bevelled Typography Effect For a Book Cover using the Text Tool in Clip Studio Paint Software- Anino TV YouTube

The video tutorial on lineart or stroke and bevelled typography effect for a book cover using the text tool in Clip Studio Paint Software is now on Anino TV Youtube. The captions will soon be added. About the video. In this video, Anino teaches how to create a lineart...
Video Tutorial/ Digital Crafting: Anino TV augments subtitle to the video tutorial “Typography punch-in & punch-out effect in Clip Studio Paint” on YouTube

Video Tutorial / Digital Craft: Typography Punch-In and Punch-Out Effect using the Text Tool in Clip Studio Paint Software- Anino TV YouTube

The video tutorial on Typography punch-in and punch-out effect using the text tool in Clip Studio Paint Software is now on Anino TV Youtube. The captions will soon be added. About the video. In this video, Anino teaches how to create a punch-in and punch-out...