Screensaver / Lock Screen: Sacred and historic, Two Medicine region in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA puts the ‘Big Sky Country’ on computer lockscreen/ screensaver

Screensaver / Lock Screen: Sacred and historic, Two Medicine region in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA puts the ‘Big Sky Country’ on computer lockscreen/ screensaver

Lovely view of the Two Medicine region in Glacier National Park, Montana, USA that popped as the screensaver or lock-screen on my computer on 5th April 2021. This image is credited to Cavan / Offset. *This is an opportunity for the photographer. [the_ad...
Currently Working On: Season 1 of Spring Bulb & Blossoms Docuseries for Crafters TV

Currently Working On: Season 1 of Spring Bulb & Blossoms Docuseries for Crafters TV

I planted some spring plants’ bulbs for the Spring Bulb & Blossoms DocuSeries on Crafters TV. The bulbs have finally bloomed. We are working on some container planting of Spring bulbs and I have chosen some Tulipa (Tulips) varieties to create spectacular or...
Coming Soon! Butter Cream Frosting Coconut Cake Video with Step by Step tutorial to celebrate 2021 March birthday celebrants

Coming Soon! Butter Cream Frosting Coconut Cake Video with Step by Step tutorial to celebrate 2021 March birthday celebrants

Our birthday cake to celebrate 2021 March birthday celebrants will soon be on Anino TV and Crafters TV YouTube. We will be singing a different birthday song as well as demonstrating how we baked and iced this Coconut cake decorated with coconut and buttercream...
Nature Photography: Blooms of the Tulips( Yellow- Triumph Yokohama, Lilac- Tulipa Alibi,  Red-  Tulipa Triumph Seadov)

Nature Photography: Blooms of the Tulips( Yellow- Triumph Yokohama, Lilac- Tulipa Alibi, Red- Tulipa Triumph Seadov)

This plant photography features blooms of the Tulips( Yellow- Triumph Yokohama, Lilac- Tulipa Alibi, Red- Tulipa Triumph Seadov). Date: 31-03-2021 Time: 14:55 Location: London, UK Exposure: 1/80s Aperture: f/3.5 ISO: 160 Exposure Bias: 0.0 Exposure Program/ Mode: Auto...
Tips and Tricks: Use Denim or Jeans sewing needle when sewing heavy layers of Fabric

Tips and Tricks: Use Denim or Jeans sewing needle when sewing heavy layers of Fabric

Here is our tip for the day! If you are sewing heavy layers of fabrics on the sewing machine, use a denim or jeans sewing needle. This will prevent the fabric from being pushed into the dog-feed or into the bobbin feed of the sewing machine and causing screeching...