Magazine: Disbursing 2021 project inspiration, January 2021 Ideal Home magazine advocates for the celebration of the little things

Magazine: Disbursing 2021 project inspiration, January 2021 Ideal Home magazine advocates for the celebration of the little things

January 2021 issue of the Ideal Home magazine is out. Topics in this issue include; *Celebrate the little things. *2021 project inspiration. *Family fun and interactive *Choose the best new dishwasher. *Choco late made festive. *Sparkle and shine. *We gave traditional...
Screensaver / Lock Screen: Lake Matheson reflects the Southern Alps in New Zealand as it portrays its stunning scenery on computer lockscreen / screensaver

Screensaver / Lock Screen: Lake Matheson reflects the Southern Alps in New Zealand as it portrays its stunning scenery on computer lockscreen / screensaver

Lake Matheson, the Southern Alps in New Zealand that popped as the screensaver or lock-screen on my computer on 29th November 2020. This image is credited to Robert Harding World Imagery / Offset. *This is an opportunity for the photographer. [the_ad...
Craft TV: The Gemini Junior die-cutting/ embossing machine in Rose Gold reoccurs as a Black Friday Blockbuster on Create & Craft TV after being launched as a limited edition and firm promise not to EVER BE BROUGHT BACK in February 2020

Craft TV: The Gemini Junior die-cutting/ embossing machine in Rose Gold reoccurs as a Black Friday Blockbuster on Create & Craft TV after being launched as a limited edition and firm promise not to EVER BE BROUGHT BACK in February 2020

The Gemini junior die-cutting &embossing machine in Rose Gold colour is on Create and Craft TV’s Black Friday deals. Here is the link when it was first launched in the UK:...