Enjoy 3 days packed with exclusive content for today´s designers and tomorrow´s designs with Adobe Live.

Read the press statement below.

On December 13th, 14th and 15th starting at 6pm CET (5pm GMT) we’re discussing everything from Adobe XD & Design Thinking – to what’s in store for the future of Adobe XD. Alongside the Adobe XD Team, we’ve invited 4 leading Experience Designers to create live every day and share their best tips and tricks exclusively with you on http://www.adobelive.com

When? December 13th, 14th and 15th.

Starting at 6pm CET (Paris/ Amsterdam/ Berlin/ Madrid/ Rome) / 5pm GMT (London/ Lisbon).

Where? Adobe LiveAdobe Creative Cloud YouTube Channel

The live sessions will be in English.

Get a unique in-depth look at Design Thinking and learn how to design, build and share interactive prototypes from some of the best. Follow their creative process step by step, ask questions on the go and share your thoughts with others!

Link: https://liveuxdesign.creativecloud.adobeevents.com/

