3-4 years round neck sweater with buttonhole shoulder opening Machine knitting pattern by Anino Ogunjobi

Here is the Machine knitting pattern for a toddler that I(Anino) forgot to post.

Free machine- knitting pattern to enable you knit this lovely  sweater or jumper for a toddler. Watch how to knit each stage/step of this sweater in a detailed video on ANINO TV (Youtube 0-3 months old sweater on the LK150).

The free pattern is available in PDF format : 3-4 years old round- neck sweater jumper with button hole shoulder opening by Anino Ogunjobi

This sweater can be knitted on any flat bed knitting machine. A chart with measurement is included in the pattern to enable hand knit, crochet and machine knit ( using a knit leader or any charting software).

Have fun hand-knitting, crochet or machine knitting yours.

Until next post.