30 days of genius with chase Jarvis reminder



You will hear successes and failures, big thinking, small breakthroughs and actionable insights as Chase Brown interview Richard Branson, Seth Godin, Jared Leto, Arianna Huffington, Mark Cuban, Marie Forleo, Tim Ferriss, Brené Brown, Daymond John ,Kevin Kelly, Ramit Sethi,  Brandon Stanton, Kevin Rose, Sir mix-a-lot, Levar Burton,  and many more on Creativelive from May 2nd 31st, 2016.

What do Richard Branson and Jared Leto have in common? Join Creativelive for a free video series featuring daily interviews with 30 (thirty) of the brightest creative plus(+) enterprenuerial minds of our time.

Join us for this free video series with the brightest minds of our time

30 Days Of Genius Will Ignite The Genius In You.

There’s a common misconception that artists have a monopoly on creativity. But the very act of making something – shooting a photograph, designing a product, thinking critically, or building a business – is a creative one. These small actions come from our unique inner impulse to create.

This is what Richard Branson, Jared Leto and Arianna Huffington have in common. This is what makes Brené Brown, Tim Ferriss and Mark Cuban successful. They’re all world-class achievers, but more than anything, they’ve used their creative impulse as both fuel and compass. It has allowed them to push on when others haven’t, overcome obstacles thought impossible, and build a life of habits that sustain their mindset. And they’ll be the first to tell you that their accomplishments are built on learned skills available to anyone.

In this free video series, you’ll learn about the big thinking and breakthroughs that allowed these geniuses to break the mold. They’ll share their successes and failures, and turn them into actionable insights for you. Join renowed photographer and CreativeLive Founder Chase Jarvis as he interviews 30 of the brightest minds of our time:

Richard Branson Arianna Huffington      Mark Cuban
Sir Mix-A-Lot Seth Godin Jared Leto
Marie Forleo Gary Vaynerchuk LeVar Burton
Tim Ferriss Daymond John Ramit Sethi
Gabrielle Bernstein      James Altucher Kelly Starrett
Lewis Howes Kevin Kelly Brian Solis
Austin Kleon Brandon Stanton Sophia Amoruso
Kevin Rose Stefan Sagmeister And more…

The goal of this interview series is not to turn everyone into a super-achiever. 30 Days of Genius is lightweight and helpful, designed to help you recognize your passions and achieve your goals. Watch in the morning or during a break at work, when you’re in need of motivation or thinking of your next move.

Win mentorship from these geniuses for a year

Sign up here, and you’ll automatically be entered to win a year’s worth of personal mentoring from Chase Jarvis and 4 of the guests from 30 Days Of Genius (guests will be chosen by CreativeLive). They’ll check in with you via phone or Skype to help you set goals for your life and career. Together, you’ll map out a plan for achieving those goals, and they’ll hold you accountable for putting it into action. [Official rules here]

Here’s how to sign up

  1. Click the blue button above, sign in. It’s free.
  2. Watch your inbox for an interview with a new genius every day for the next 30 days. You’ll get the first video the day after you sign up.
  3. Watch the videos daily, or at your own pace – whenever you want insights or inspiration.
  4. Repeat. (And share this series with anyone you’d like)

For more information and to sign up: https://www.creativelive.com/courses/30-days-genius-chase-jarvis?utm