Manufacturer of DesignAKnit Software, Soft Byte Ltd, alerts Jacquard Knitters to update their copy of DAK8 and DAK9 (Designaknit).
From the screenshot.

There was a problem that affected the downloading of Jacquard patterns to all Brother knitting machines and all modes of the PPD.
Depending on the random content of memory, needle selection for some rows could be set according to the following row of the stitch pattern instead of the appropriate row, and yarn colours could appear in the wrong row of Jacquard fabric.
Printing stitch templates was not affected by this bug.
Downloading to other makes of knitting machine than Brother was also not affected.
Doing the latest update will fix this. You can view the changes in each update here:
The file can also be found in your DesignaKnit 9 installation folder. The file is refreshed when a maintenance update is done.
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