See Dharma Trading Limited Edition Fiber Reactive SpringTones for 2019.

From the screenshot

The 2019 Springtones are HERE!

These colors are inspired by the Pantone® Spring 2019 Colors!

Brilliant, mouth-watering, and permanent, they don’t fade, even after repeated washings. Superior to supermarket dyes in every way! Fiber Reactive Dyes are the dye of choice for tie-dye, batik and other techniques of dyeing cotton, rayon, hemp, linen and other natural fibers. 5 are Limited Editions (Maroon, Soft Orange, Coral Pink, Raspberry, Clear Yellow, Royal Blue, Dutch Chocolate, Deep Yellow, Muir Green, Deep Space, and Ivory are part of our regular line), & when they’re gone, they’re gone, unless a couple keep flying outta here, and hence become part of our regular line. The best news: We will keep the recipes for all the colors, and designers who want to add these colors to their lines will always be able to order them in 5 lb sizes on up – 5 lbs being the smallest amount of dye that is practical for us to mix.

*Use the same way as our other Fiber Reactive Dyes. For these colors, if not marked with an * dye at 2% of weight of goods (or 2 tsp/cup water for tie-dye), if marked with an *, dye at 4% OWG, or 4 tsp/cup water for tie-dye).