Knit Now extends the date for submission of the Festive Fun Kit and Cosy Traditional Kit Quick-Makes design submission call.
Read the press release below.
This is a re-send of a call I put out last week. I’m extending the submissions deadline for two of these issues as I still have room for more patterns, but there is a quick turn-around.
Thank you to everyone who submitted to our Autumn kit call. We had some great ideas and we’ll be sending out some commissions tomorrow morning. Most of the submissions we received were for the sorbet kit, though. We need more ideas for the Cosy Traditional kit and in particular for the Festive Fun kit, so I’m extending the deadlines for those.
Your designs don’t need to use up all of the yarn, or even use all of the colours if you don’t want to. You can add beads, buttons, notions etc. but please don’t add any extra yarns.
Due to the tight turn-arounds, this call will be for UK/Europe-based designers only but I’m trying to get further ahead and future calls will hopefully be open to all designers.
So, if that sounds like it might be up your street, read on for the details.
About the yarn
All of the yarn is 4-ply acrylic, 400m per 100g – very similar to something like Patons Fairytale Fab 4-ply, or other popular baby acrylics.
Cosy Traditional Kit: on sale September
Red: 8g/32m
Blue: 20g/80m
Yellow: 2g/8m
Brown 22g/88m
Fawn: 3g/12m
Projects we’d like to see for the Cosy Traditional kit:
Knitting only.
We already have a toy all tied up for this kit but we’d like to offer a couple of accessories for Autumn as alternative makes.
Festive Fun kit: on sale October
Red: 7g/28m
Green: 9g/36m
Yellow: 4g/16m
Blue: 7g/28m
Fawn: 12g/48m
White: 11g/44m
Projects we’d like to see for the Festive Fun kit:
Knitting only.
This kit has a festive theme, so let me see all of your Christmassy ideas! I’m looking to commission quite a few patterns for this kit. I’m particularly interested in seeing some practical Christmas gifts – this is enough yarn for a hat, for example (and this yarn works well for stranded knitting) but fun Christmas novelties and toys would be equally welcome. For this kit, I’d like to see a mix of techniques, including designs which are knitted flat and in the round.
What to send:
Please send a PDF, including a sketch and a description of your idea. It would of course be best if you can include a swatch as well, but I know this is a super-tight turn-around so if you don’t have time, don’t let that be a barrier to submitting.
IMPORTANT: Please save the PDF as kitname_yourname_patternname.pdf
For example – FestiveFun_SarahJones_MugCosy.pdf
Please send in your submission to me at by midday UK time on Wednesday 18th April. Commissions will be sent out the same day, the yarn will be sent straight out and final patterns and samples will be due back with me by Thursday 3rd May for Festive Fun and Monday 21st May for Cosy Traditional. Yes, that is the right way round and there are totally logical reasons why the deadline is sooner for an issue that’s on sale later I promise, but I won’t bore you with those here!
The usual rights and terms apply for these patterns – you will be paid fairly for your work, your samples remain your property, and 4 months after publication, the rights to your patterns will return to you.
If you have any questions at all, please just give me a shout.
Happy swatching,
Kate x