This Strawberry sorbet is made using frozen strawberries and a sorbet maker.

The sorbet maker helps in grinding the frozen Strawberries. If you don’t have a sorbet maker, you can still make a sorbet by pureeing the fresh strawberries and then mixing the puree with lemon juice and sugar-water syrup( if you desire). This mixture is then frozen.






Sorbet Maker




Step 1: Wash and hull the fresh strawberries.


Step 2: Put the strawberries in a freezer- bag and then put in the freezer to be frozen.


Step 3: Remove the frozen strawberries from the freezer bag.


Step 4: Put the frozen strawberries in the sorbet maker to grind.



Step 5: Put a dessert bowl under the sorbet maker to collect the strawberry sorbet.


Step 6: Enjoy. Add golden syrup or lemon juice and sugar-water syrup to the sorbet if you desire.