Screen sensation has a new magazine titled “Print & Sew”.

Read the press release below.

It’s our absolute pleasure to introduce you to the very first issue of Print & Sew magazine!

The concept of Screen Sensation is to make the process of screen printing accessible to crafters with a lightweight, durable and portable unit that is easy and clean to use. So something that was originally a messy, industrial process with big, bulky equipment has been brought right up to date with the modern crafter in mind.

Whatever you love to spend your time creating, be it jewellery, paper craft, home decor or mixed media, there will be a place for Screen Sensation. This really is one of the most versatile tools you can own.

Our team have created some beautiful projects to inspire you and given their top hints and tips to make this system even easier to use.

“For me, Screen Sensation has made my crafting experience even more enjoyable and I’m so excited when I think of the endless possibilities of the things I can make. I really hope after reading the magazine and creating your very own pieces of art you will love it as much as I do.” – Wendy Hunter, Brand Manager

Happy printing… & sewing!
