I am uploading the video( How to machine knit a 0-3 months old gathered gown using Designaknit interactive knitting and Silver Reed’s Sk280 knitting machine) now.

Once it is fully uploaded, you will be able to watch it and knit with me from start to finish including the buttonholes( I didn’t demonstrate the sleeves and back of the gathered gown because, the back of the gathered gown is like the front of the gown whilst the sleeve is the same arm-hole shaping which I demonstrated on the front of the gathered gown).

screenshot 0-3months old video on designaknit interactive knitting image 3screenshot 0-3months old video on designaknit interactive knitting

The video is in two(2) parts because it is long, but don’t be discourage it is a detailed tutorial which beginners can watch too and gain that confidence of using a knitting machine.

I have other videos using the LK150 knitting machine, you can watch those too whilst I get the next video (FairIsle knitting using the punchcard knitting machine, Different tension and stitch dial, ) ready.

screenshot 0-3months old video on designaknit interactive knitting image 4

So sorry that this video took so long in coming out. I hurt my fingers (Kitchen accident) and had to wait for it to heal.

I will be putting up the free pattern for this 0-3 months old gathered gown on the blog soon.

screenshot 0-3months old video on designaknit interactive knitting image 2screen shot of video 0-3 months old gather gown