Many people in Nigeria tend to look down on their own home produce but little do they know that it is appreciated in the developed countries. Just sew it well , design it using lovely colour palette.

Anytime I see someone going to Nigeria and they ask me, What do you want me to bring for you?

My reply now is Ankara( Wax print fabric) or tie and dye fabric (Adiré as it is popularly called in Nigeria).

Today our focus will be on Tie and dye (Adiré).

layered skirt and knitted sweater with buttonhole shoulder opening by anino ogunjobi ahudybery

Tie and dye layered skirt and knitted sweater with buttonhole shoulder opening by Anino Ogunjobi A Hudy Bery®

batik with tie and dye fabric

Photo credit: Brocade tie and dye fabric Anino Ogunjobi

tie and dye fabric 2

Tie and dye fabric in Nigeria is mostly produced in the western part of Nigeria- Ogun state and Lagos state. It is popular among the Yoruba tribe in Nigeria.

PRODUCTION: Fabric that accept dyes like cotton is a good product to work with.

  • Some people use Kolanut-(Yes the Kola they use for traditional ceremonies ) to make dyes. The kolanut dye is gotten from the Kolanut we eat. The kolanut technology involves using the kolanut waste or rotten kolanut to generate quality and harmless dyes. With Kolanut you rarely have reactions or allergy on your skin.
  • Indigo leaves: Some grind local indigo leaves and extract the juice to make dyes.
  • Fibre reactive dyes , caustic soda and others.

Many people have allergy and tends to turn away from such fabrics because of the reaction it  causes on their body like severe itching, redness and much more.

Fabrics used are mostly linen, voile, cotton and brocade fabric.

Many do add batik technique to their dyed fabric so as to make a variety.

I noticed that these tie and dye fabrics look great when combined with knitted cardigans or plain wears.

They make great summer wears in the western countries because most of them are colourful, light weight and made from cotton.

batik and adire fabric 1

Photo credit: Batik with tie and dye adiré fabric 1. Anino Ogunjobi

Adire or tie and dye peplum top by Adirelounge instagram image 2

Adire or tie and dye peplum top by Adirelounge instagram

Adire or tie and dye fascinators and head-wrap by Olekutraditions instagram

Adire or tie and dye fascinators and head-wrap by Olekutraditions instagram


MARKET: Many people in Nigeria tend to look down on their own home produce but little do they know that it is appreciated in the developed countries. Just sew it well , design it using lovely colour palette.

There is indeed a large market for this “tie and dye” fabric .

  • Clothing-tops/blouse, shirts , peplum tops, dresses, skirts, flared gown, flared skirts,T-shirts, etc.
  • Soft furnishing/ home decor -Cushions, quilts,table runners, wall hangings, etc.
  • Clutch bags
  • Footwear
  • Hair accessories- fascinators, headbands, scrunchies, hair bows, etc.
  • Much more.



It creates employment for the

  • Designer,
  • Photographers,
  • Retailer
  • Manufacturer
  • Models

We will explain more on this later on (when we write on job opportunities).

Adire or tie and dye shirts by Easycouture instagram

Photo credit: Adire or tie and dye shirts by Easycouture instagram

Adire or tie and dye shirts by Easycouture instagram image 2

Photo credit: Adire or tie and dye shirts by Easycouture instagram

image 2

Adire or tie and dye totes by Highbeekayfabricart instagram

Adire or tie and dye shirts byAdirelounge instagram image 2

Adire or tie and dye shirts byAdirelounge instagram


Adire or tie and dye fascinator, bag and top by Olekutraditions instagram



Photo credit: Tie and dye or adire fabrics in various colours. Anino Ogunjobi

We will be featuring some styles/ designs using tie and dye fabrics to also create an awareness while encouraging the country producing it.