4 seasons tree by Anino A hudy bery®

4 seasons tree by Anino A Hudy Bery® is our featured fabric.

This design has been mock-up using the Negroni shirt pattern by Colette designs on Sproutpatterns.

Please, visit Anino’s shop on Spoonflower to order and see more designs.

This fabric has its collections or coordinating fabric designs with the landscape fabric designs (Three 3 seasons landscape fabric, Four 4 seasons landscape fabric winter, Four 4 seasons landscape fabric, four 4 seasons landscape fabric summer, Four 4 seasons tea towel 2016 fabric, Four 4 seasons landscape fabric spring, Four 4 seasons landscape fabric autumn). This four seasons tree design is done with the hope of fruitful and progressive success of each seasonal product that is being designed. The design being in beautiful and cheerful colours gives the hope that the New year will be greater and more fruitful than the previous year!

Fabric’s link: http://www.spoonflower.com/fabric/4771900-4-seasons-tree-by-anino

Anino’s shop: http://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/anino